How do I reset my data?

How do I reset my data?

How do I reset my data?

Hi there! Your curiosity about Green Jacker is wonderful.
Let's explore and find all the answers you seek!

If you wish to reset all your game progress and start fresh, you can easily do so using the data deletion function within the app. Here's how:

  1. Access the Settings

    From the home screen, gaze at and tap the Settings button to access the settings menu.

  2. Navigate to Data Deletion

    Once the Settings menu is activated, you will find the 'Delete Data' option.

  3. Confirm Data Deletion

    Tap the 'Delete Data' button to confirm the data deletion. Please note that once data is deleted, it cannot be recovered.

Once confirmation is complete, all your game progress will be reset.

It's important to note that if you delete the app from your device, all game data associated with the app will be deleted as well.

Were all your concerns addressed?
If you need more information, feel free to contact us at We're always available to assist you!

Hi there! Your curiosity about Green Jacker is wonderful.
Let's explore and find all the answers you seek!

If you wish to reset all your game progress and start fresh, you can easily do so using the data deletion function within the app. Here's how:

  1. Access the Settings

    From the home screen, gaze at and tap the Settings button to access the settings menu.

  2. Navigate to Data Deletion

    Once the Settings menu is activated, you will find the 'Delete Data' option.

  3. Confirm Data Deletion

    Tap the 'Delete Data' button to confirm the data deletion. Please note that once data is deleted, it cannot be recovered.

Once confirmation is complete, all your game progress will be reset.

It's important to note that if you delete the app from your device, all game data associated with the app will be deleted as well.

Were all your concerns addressed?
If you need more information, feel free to contact us at We're always available to assist you!

Hi there! Your curiosity about Green Jacker is wonderful.
Let's explore and find all the answers you seek!

If you wish to reset all your game progress and start fresh, you can easily do so using the data deletion function within the app. Here's how:

  1. Access the Settings

    From the home screen, gaze at and tap the Settings button to access the settings menu.

  2. Navigate to Data Deletion

    Once the Settings menu is activated, you will find the 'Delete Data' option.

  3. Confirm Data Deletion

    Tap the 'Delete Data' button to confirm the data deletion. Please note that once data is deleted, it cannot be recovered.

Once confirmation is complete, all your game progress will be reset.

It's important to note that if you delete the app from your device, all game data associated with the app will be deleted as well.

Were all your concerns addressed?
If you need more information, feel free to contact us at We're always available to assist you!